
After converting a SBS 2008 server from physical to Virtual with Backup Exec System Recovery sysprep hangs

Today I had to take a customers server that was running SBS 2008 on a physical box and convert it to a virtual machine as we were preparing to run a terminal server along side the SBS server on one physical box. This particular customer uses Symantec’s Backup Exec System Recovery 2010, soon to be […]

Can’t create a new Receive connector after installing Rollup #1 or #2 for Exchange 2007 SP3

After you install Exchange 2007 service pack 3, and or rollup #1 or rollup #2 and you attempt to create a new receive connector, you receive the following error:

Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Elapsed time: 00:00:00




Active Directory operation failed on SBS01.ks.local. This error is not retriable. Additional […]

Microsoft’s Windows Live goes to WordPress

This was a shock I was not expecting. Microsoft is actually moving it’s Windows Live accounts to WordPress. There must be some logic to this from Microsoft. Probably more focused on the cloud.

Dear Windows Live Spaces customer,

We are very excited to announce our collaboration with a premier and innovative blogging service,, to […]

Mass Email Worm Outbreak: W32.Imsolk.B@mm

This just came out, Mass Email Worm Outbreak: W32.Imsolk.B@mm . Detailed information obtained from Symantec include:

Symantec Security Response has observed a global mass mailer worm spreading and affecting hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide. This appears to be a new attack – likely originating from a botnet – however, it is similar to the […]

Internet Explorer 9


Ah, tomorrow. 

The SBSMonitoring database is nearing maximum size on SBS 2008

Have you received this error? The SBSMonitoring database is nearing maximum size on SBS 2008.

I was getting this on a SBS 2008 server running the SBS BPA. From the error message, it’s pretty clear that the SBSMonitoring database is too large to work normally. There is a fix for this […]

Eaton LanSafe software may not find the controller

Today I was working on a Eaton 9125 UPS and setting up the software to cleanly shut down the server in case of a power outage. After installing the software, I noticed the Powerware LanSafe could not detect the controller.

Nothing found:

Taking a deeper dive to see what was going […]

P2V Migration for SA Beta

I received the following email today. This is by far a great feature for users who just can’t loose their old system and setup but want to use Windows 7. I’m going to test this one out for sure!

Help unblock OS deployments by redelivering blocking users’ old Windows environments, applications and browsers seamlessly […]

Drive Savers hard disk crash demo

I found a rather interesting demo on how a hard disk works, and how it can crash as well. This link, provided by Drive Savers. Check out the SSD Failure, that one is my favorite!

Cloud Docs and Facebook?

Recently, Microsoft launched a new beta site at . Although I am still trying to figure out what Docs has to do with Facebook, I see that Microsoft is leveraging Office Apps 2010, which is tightly integrated with SharePoint 2010 as well.

If you have not tried out the new Office […]